Saturday, August 28, 2010

Couldn't wait to get goin' But wasn't quite ready to leave

I was super excited to move away to college, but not ready to leave my friends or family. However, moving in today went amazing and now I feel ready for college! I could not have asked for the day to go any better and I thank God for all He has done!
I had my very own space at home and a nice big room! I was worried that I wouldn't be able to fit all of my stuff in our tiny little room. (When I walked into the dorm for the first time it was a LOT smaller than I imagined it would be.) With the help of my dad, we arranged the furniture and rearranged the furniture so many times; eventually we found a layout that we both liked! Zena and I maximized the space, filling up every shelf and flat surface. Although I have a hard time getting up and down from my bed, I love the room layout. We added lots of decorations to the room and now it feels like "home." Here are some pictures of my old room and my new room!


  1. built an awesome ladder to get up to your loft bed

  2. You will learn to love it :) Have fun and work hard!
