Saturday, October 2, 2010

We've got EACH OTHER and that's a lot

"Who has your back?

Faith is not meant to be lived out alone.  God has designed us to do life together.  The smallest group Jesus ever sent out on a mission was two- he never sent his followers out alone.  Why?  Because he knows that we do not function well alone.  We need companionship, we need encouragement, we need accountability.  

We need someone to watch our back.  

Where can you find a friend who will be there when you become too exhausted to fight the enemy?  It doesn't matter how you come together, you need someone in your life to watch your back.  Someone to hold you accountable.

That's straight from the Bible, not just some philosophical rhetoric.

"Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and PRAY for each other so that you can live together whole and healed." James 5: 16

"Friends love through all kinds of weather." Proverbs 17:17"

~taken from "Taming a Liger" by Jeff Dunn and Adam Palmer

I read this for devotions this morning and then tonight I spent some time with some great friends!  God works in mysterious ways!  I went to dinner with Megan, Jenna, Lette, Caroline, and Anna.  We had a dinner in the cafe and watched deer outside the window while we ate.  Next, we went on a walk around the neighborhood and listened to Caroline sing us Disney songs.  Currently we are watching "Anastasia!"  Up next is "A Cinderella Story" while we color!  

1 comment:

  1. What's up with the scarf, your new fleece and SANDALS?
