Friday, September 30, 2011


Yesterday I found out that I am officially approved by the CRWM as a volunteer! This means that I can begin the fundraising process. I am still hoping to leave November 1, so that means I have exactly 4 weeks from tomorrow to get everything together!

My total budget came out to be around $6,500-7,000. This seems like a staggering amount of money to raise- but with God, ALL things are possible. 

As for the online class, I am not going to finish that. Recently, I did work hard at it, but there is no way with the time frame I have that I would be able to complete 10 more lessons and take two exams. My mom calls it one expensive lesson I learned; not to procrastinate and just get 'er done! However, now I can focus my time fully on preparing for Haiti- learning Creole, reading up on my cultural books, fundraising, and coming up with an art program. 

"Would you like to be depressed or have an upset stomach?" That was the question of the day! I have to get all my immunizations for Haiti. To start, I need the Hep A shot, along with typhoid and malaria pills. Then they have to draw my blood and test it to see if my Hep B shot is still effective; hopefully it is cause I don't want one more shot! The doctor called today and asked me what malaria pills I would prefer to take. One of the pills is taken everyday and has a side effect of an upset stomach. The other pill is taken once a week and has a side effect of slight depression. I said to the doctor, "Really??" And in my head I was thinking, "I'm going to a foreign country.....neither!" He told me not every one experiences these side effects. So, since I am already worried about getting an upset stomach, I told him to order me the ones with the side effect of depression. I figure I'm normally a happy person so I can beat the depression!!

The shots are scheduled for Tuesday- yay!

Psalm 139: 7-10
7 Where can I go from your Spirit?
   Where can I flee from your presence?
8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
   if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
   if I settle on the far side of the sea,
10 even there your hand will guide me,
   your right hand will hold me fast.

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