Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Going Forth

Going Forth, the title of an article in Saturday's Press. I usually browse through the paper and look for interesting articles; I don't read many, but this one caught my eye.

"With the back-to-school season upon us, today's Religion section is sharing the stories of three young people from West Michigan who are crossing the globe and encountering life lessons that can't be taught in the classroom. Two young men have put their college careers on hold to help children in Africa. Meanwhile, a young woman from Rockford is using her newly earned Calvin College degree to teach children in Honduras, but wonders if perhaps she is the one who is learning the most."
McMillin, Zane. "Going Forth." The Grand Rapids Press 3 Sept. 2011: C1+. Print.

Click on the links below to read their stories:

Former GVSU student serving in Uganda

Moving to Honduras is not just a "Bucket List" trip

US Naval Academy football player taking hiatus to work in Africa

These stories struck a nerve with me because I will be doing the same thing this fall. Instead of returning to college I am planning on going to Haiti in November. I have relatives in Haiti that I will be living with while I volunteer in a school, in a church, and in the community.

I have wanted to do mission work for years and now the Lord has called me to serve alongside Him in Haiti. So, instead of reading blogs about college, I invite you to journey with me and read my blogs as I prepare for my trip and while I am away.

1 comment:

  1. Kati I am so happy for you, you get to FLY!!!! :) Seriously I know that you have prayed about this and you feel God wants you there. I can't wait to see how God is going to use you over there. Keep blogging!
