Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas Eve we opened a few presents! Each person got to open only one present because not all the gifts have arrived yet. You see, we were a bit behind on the Christmas shopping this year. Most Christmas shopping is done online. There aren't too many stores here that carry the American things we are looking for. There are no malls, no Meijers, a few overpriced clothing stores, and a couple of grocery stores. (There are plenty of options for shopping along the streets- that is if you are in need of shoes, fresh fruits and vegetables, bread, live chickens, spices, laundry soaps, sugar cane, ect.) After opening one present each we also opened the boxes that had arrived from friends and relatives in the states. I got a package from my Grandma and it probably ranks among my favorite Christmas presents. The Art Prize shirt and the bright headbands made my day! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa :)

We are planning on opening more gifts once they arrive. We just got word that a lot of our boxes are stuck in customs. The mail flight service that we use, called Agape, currently does not have enough money to pay the customs fees to get our boxes. There are piles of boxes that have arrived that people have not yet picked up from Agape. When they come and pay for those boxes then Agape will have enough money to get more boxes out of customs. If you sent me a package don't worry because it's probably here in country, just not in our hands! Thankfully we are all very patient people who are ok with opening our Christmas presents at Valentines Day! Haha- just kidding...hopefully it won't take that long. But then again you never know.

(Click on the pictures to view them larger)

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