Monday, January 2, 2012

The NEVER ENDING fireworks...

...also known as New Year's.

Around here, New Year's Day is a big holiday because it is also the celebration of Haiti's independence. People set off fireworks, lots and lots of fireworks. The big fireworks began, oh, about two weeks ago. And the cute little neighbor boys have tons of those little fireworks that pop. The popping is not a huge deal but because of all the concrete walls surrounding our houses, the sound echoes off of the walls and is really really loud. When we are not expecting it, we all jump a mile each time they let one off. They let them off at random times during the day. Sometime it's in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon and sometimes when it's dark out. They find these fireworks very very fascinating and entertaining. We, on the other hand, find them very loud and disrupting. But what can you do? Boys love to play with fire. So we have been listening to the popping for a few weeks now and we will continue to listen to it until they run out of fireworks. The neighbor boy's dad said that he didn't realize he had bought so many. He won't do that again!

Some folks set off the big colorful fireworks. I didn't actually see any of these this year but I heard them. Those are usually set off when it's dark outside. On New Year's Eve these fireworks started going off around 6pm when we were having dinner. They continued all night. I went asleep around 11pm to the sound of them (yes, I know- I didn't even stay up until midnight, but such is life). At midnight I woke up because lots of people had set off fireworks to ring in the New Year. I heard many many loud bangs along with the sound of people cheering. I thought "Hmm, it must be midnight... Happy New Year to Me!" Then I rolled over and fell back to sleep. I woke up the next morning at 6:30am. What do you think I heard as I opened my eyes to embrace the first day of the New Year? You probably guessed it- FIREWORKS! They continued throughout the day today too. Will they ever end?

*Now is a great time to introduce you to our vicious guard dog Max. Max is very big, brown and mean. He stays in the back of the house most of the day, behind the gates on each side of the house. My apartment entrance is right by one of those gates, so whenever Max hears me open my metal door he comes running over and barks at me. It used to scare me but not so much anymore cause I'm used to it. At night Max is let out from behind the house and he peruses the grounds. He will attack anyone that is not part of the immediate family. Or so I've been told. He was alert and ready to attack me from behind the gate during the first month or so after I arrived. Now we think he is warming up to me (or so I hope).

But, our ferocious guard dog is scared of fireworks! Cries like a baby and scratches on the door, wanting to be let in, each time there is a loud bang. We all have our fears- we won't hold it against him ;)

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