Sunday, February 5, 2012

The animals, they came in, they came in by twosies, twosies...

Kindergarten Class
Step ONE- coloring a sheet of paper with animals on it: 

 There seemed to be a green chicken theme. I'm not sure why they think chickens are green. There are quite a few chickens in Haiti, so they should know what they look like!  

 Step TWO- cutting out the animals. They were supposed to cut on the dotted lines but most of them cut right around the animal:

Step THREE- cut out the ark. They actually followed the dotted line on this one:

Step FOUR- gluing the animals on the ark:

ALL FINISHED~ The kids were so proud of their ark! They kept asking if they could take it home with them. When I told them that they could take them to their houses, their smiles got even brighter!

1 comment:

  1. They are so proud! Kati these pictures are great! You are obviously doing a fantastic job!

    Tori =]
