Monday, February 27, 2012

You Better Believe It!

I know that there are sacrifices involved when God calls one to come and follow Him. Well, going overseas for seven months involves the sacrifice of being away from your family. Just ask any missionary when the last time was that they saw their parents, sisters, brothers, and cousins. Some were blessed to go home at Christmas and spend time with their families and others have been blessed with family that can afford to visit them. But many have not seen some of their family members in months...maybe even years.

Back in November, when I left for Haiti, I had mentally prepared myself to be away from my family for seven months. Last year when I was away for college I saw my family once every month or two. I missed them but I knew that they were just a 2.5 hour car ride away. I could have had a ride home on almost any given weekend. Coming to Haiti, I knew that I wouldn't have the opportunity to hop in a car and go see my family and friends. But, God's ways are not our ways and he does immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine!

In FIVE days, Lord willing, my family will be arriving in Haiti...along with my best friend...and a team from my church back home. I was not expecting this...and I'm still amazed, every time I think about it, that they will actually be here. I am so happy that they are coming and that they will be able to get a taste of what I'm doing here.

When I decided to come to Haiti a few people from my church began looking into coming down with a group. I encouraged them to pursue the possibility of visiting while I was here. They began communicating with our organization and the plans fell into place. Usually teams are encouraged to plan their trips 6-9 months before they are hoping to come. However, my church began planning their trip only 4 months ago. Crazy- yes. Impossible- NO! Thank goodness God already had the plans prepared in advance for them. The plans came together quickly, along with the money.

The team consists of 16 people- a fairly decent size team. They had to raise a mere $30,000 for their trip. They started fundraising about 2 months ago. I talked to my mom on Sunday...they have raised approx. $33,000 thus far!! I think back to my own fundraising. God provided $6,000 in a month's time. I knew that God could provide the $30,000 for them if they just trusted in him. And to think He went above and beyond that amount! WOW.

"God actually delights in exalting our inability. He intentionally puts his people in situations where they come face to face with their need for him. In the process he powerfully demonstrates his ability to provide everything his people need in ways they could never have mustered up or imagined. And in the end, he makes much of his own name."

~passage taken from Radical: taking back your faith from the American dream by David Platt

We serve a BIG God. Don’t forget who God is!  Don’t LIMIT God. God has all resources, including money, at his finger tips. What are you not trusting God with? We are commanded to trust him with all our heart. Place your full trust in Him and then prepare to be amazed. Mark 10:38 “Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but not with God, all things are possible with God."

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