Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

My friend Tori told my other friend Kyle to blog about a typical college day. So I'm going to steal her/his idea and blog about my typical day here.

This morning I woke up around 8am, ate breakfast, and did some homework. I had some homework to do for my Intro to Politics class- we have to read a very interesting book about integrating Christianity into every aspect of life. I don't mind this homework at all. 

Around 10am I went to look for Jenna so we could go running together. I texted her but she never texted me back...then I went to her room and she was not in there! I remembered that she was babysitting :( I was looking forward to running and talking with her but I accepted the fact that she couldn't come; I went running 3 miles by myself. After my run I got ready for the day and by this time it was 11:30am. I checked my emails and Facebook. Then Jenna came back and we went to lunch together in the caf. I ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and some white chicken chili! It was delicious. Caf food is not that bad here thankfully.

When I was done with my lunch I went back to my room and got my books together for class. Class started at 12:30pm and I made it there with 1 minute to spare. I have Intro to Politics first; the professor lectures the whole time and I get a bit bored. Luckily, I haven't fallen asleep yet! Next I went to Art Fundamentals which started at 2pm. That is by far my favorite class because the professor is very knowledgeable about the subject and he tells interesting stories, and I enjoy learning about the history of art. Today we talked about Surrealism. Danielle sits next to me and she almost falls asleep everyday in this class....I just don't understand how she does not find this subject fascinating. But as the saying goes, "different strokes for different folks!" Next, I had the class of English at 3:30. Our professor introduced the 5 page paper that we have to write by next Thursday. He let us choose our own topic for the paper- he let us choose our own topic for almost every paper we have done for his class. Over the next 20 minutes I accomplished the feat of deciding on my topic. I am going to write about how people in our society have trouble trusting- trusting other people, trusting religion, and trusting the government. Then I talked to Jill for the rest of the time.  The professor let us leave early because not everyone liked the idea of writing the paper in class. I am one of those people who can't write in class, my ideas come to me on my own time when I am in my room. 

I came back to the dorms and talked to Danielle and Jill because Jenna was writing a paper. She finished the paper in record time and we went to dinner at 5pm in the caf. The food at dinner was wonderful! I ate tilapia (it makes my day when there is fish to eat in the caf :) along with green beans (my second favorite vegetable). After the amazing dinner I went to Jenna's room and didn't do homework. At 7:00, I went to the ArCC (Art and Communications Center) with Emily and Jill. We had some painting to do for our 2D Design class. We listened to country music on Jill's ipod the whole time!! That was especially exciting because I haven't listened to county in a while and I missed it. Danielle came by later and painted with us. She didn't like our country music- I knew she would complain about it. But she was forced to listen to it until we left. It was snowing outside when we left the ArCC! This is the first time it has snowed here, at least that I'm aware of.

Jenna and I went to the BBC to spend some quality time together (actually it was because I was craving ice cream, but the quality time was nice too). The BBC is decorated all pretty for Christmas, with garland, lights, and Christmas trees. I got some Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino ice cream, which was again, delicious! Jenna had a white chocolate mocha. We sat at a table and talked about life for about an hour. 

On our way back to the dorms, we stopped by the library so Jenna could print her paper. When we arrived at the dorms the RAs and RD were decorating the lobby with lots of Christmas decorations. This really put me in the mood for Christmas. I am ready for Christmas break; only 2.5 weeks until I get to come home! 

We were planning on watching Peter Pan after that, but instead we ended up talking with Emily (she came in Jenna's room to bring us the movie).  After another long talk about life, she left to go to bed and I decided to write this blog. Now I am blogging at 12:30am (now Wednesday December 1) and I should be in bed. That is what I plan to do next.

You now know more about my life than you ever wanted to know :) Thanks for reading...good night (or should I say good morning).

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