There are little lizards crawling all over here. Most of the time they are outside, but sometimes they sneak inside. This little guy <----- snuck into my apartment through a small crack next to one of my windows. I was lying on my bed reading. We had a bit of a stare off... I was intrigued at first. Then I wanted him out. He wasn't getting the message. I walked up to him and he kept sneaking back into the crack of the window and then peeping his tiny face back out at me. He did this numerous times. Not cool! So, I got out my camera and decided this would make a good photo op. I didn't realize I had the flash on; the flash scared the bejebbies out of him. He then scurried off! [1- Kt, 0- Creatures]
It would have been ok if I had just happened upon another lizard in my room. But the fact that I watched this one enter my apartment didn't sit right with me. (And he wasn't as cute as the previous one.) I wanted him out too. So, I chased him around and around. He went from the Reese's bag, to my bed, under my bedside table, then under the mattress I have on the floor. Once I got him out from under the mattress he went towards the door...but then right back under my bed! Very frustrating. Then I got smart and decided to let him rest under the mattress for a bit. When I picked up the mattress he was barely moving. This was my opportunity...I scooted him onto a piece of paper and dropped him outside. [2- Kt, 0- Creatures]
A week or so ago, I laid down and was about ready to turn out the light for the night. However, I noticed a fast moving brown bug making his way along the ground next to my bed. Upon closer examination I came to the realization that yes, in fact, it was a little cockroach. Eww! I do not like cockroaches. I smashed him good! [3- Kt, 0- Creatures]
Then, the ants came marching in. A whole lot of ants. I stepped over them a couple times because somehow I didn't see their long trail...running through the doorway and along the hallway in my apartment. They not only came in by twos, but they brought all their friends along for the par-tay! I'm not even sure where they were headed. Their trail didn't lead anywhere, just back into another crack between the tiles. Thankfully Ruth had some insect spray that I could eradicate them with. [4- Kt, 0- Creatures]
Last but not least, I must mention the mosquitos. The mosquitos are thick here, or so it seems. I get bit all the time but the people that have lived here for years (the Van Dams) don't get bit that often. To keep the mosquitos away I have a fan blowing on me when I'm sitting down or sleeping. Even then, sometimes I get bites on the parts of my body that are outside the range of the fan. It's rough! Outside, during the heat of the day the mosquitos don't bite. But when I go outside around dusk I get eaten alive if I haven't doused myself with repellant.
It is very uncomfortable when I am getting bitten and there is no fan or insect spray at hand. Then again, there are other times when I simply do not care and I just let them suck my blood. Such is life! It is a constant battle. [4- Kt, 1- Creatures]
I feel your score is a little off. It sounds like the mosquitos are winning :( Why is it the locals don't get bit?