Tuesday, October 11, 2011

God Knows What He is Doing- Period.

Communication has been a challenge as I have been planning my trip to Haiti. I can't exactly call the people that I need to talk to; I am relying on emails. When I send out an email I usually get a response 3-7 days later! However, when I receive an email I usually take a few days to respond too. I am not used to slow communication. I'm so used to calling, texting and facebooking people. There are still many unanswered questions relating to my trip- I want so badly to have answers.

Day by day God is revealing more of his plan to me. Although it is frustrating at times, I realized I would not want it any other way. Everything I have done so far and everything I have yet to do would have been overwhelming had I received instruction all at once. At the beginning of this journey all I knew was that I was going to Haiti. Along the way I partnered with CRWM, learned that I will be teaching art classes, and found out I would have to raise a considerable amount of money for this trip, among other things. And there is so much more that I don't know yet... In time, hopefully before I leave, I will know a few more of the details of His plan!

I listened to a podcast the other night about following God's leading. There were some very great points that I'll share with you as best as I can. Basically the message was, when we live in the move of God we have to be willing to say YES to the next step. This requires us to take the first step and then wait. So often we do not give ourselves fully to God, never jump in. We must commit to, and begin the journey, in order to see God move. Then, when God says step, we have to be willing to step. Often we want more clarity...a map...but God doesn't give us a plan. He gives us a STEP. As our faith grows for that step, God will reveal to us the next one.

God gives clarity in the midst of obedience. The first steps are terrifying (trust me, I've been there :). But that first YES leads to open doors in the future, if we are willing to keep saying yes and take RISKS. 

"If I am really seeking God, he keeps leading me to what I know I cannot do without Him."

Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take."

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