Thursday, November 25, 2010

Matthew 20:16

Have you ever thought about how in todays world everyone is trying to get ahead. Most people want to be on top of their class, the top in the league, or top in their job. Kids grow up learning to beat other teams in sports, boss other kids around, and think of only themselves. Where do they get these ideas from?  In our world today we have the super bowl and the world series- competitive games to see who is "number one."  Reality tv shows depict people fighting off others to get the grand prize and be the winner. The corporate heads of companies make lots of money- even children know that.  Often in tv shows people hurt other people and walk all over them to get on top. In sports, players have resorted to cheating in order to get ahead. While the corporate heads are getting richer, the workers are being cheated out of money.  Our society today tells us that we must be the best, most important person and it doesn't matter if others get hurt in the process of us becoming number one.

In my devotions I have been reading about how Jesus came to serve and heal others. Often times Jesus didn't want people to know who he really was because he was afraid they would look at him in a different light. Jesus preferred to do miracles outside of the spotlight. One time Jesus explained to his disciples that in the kingdom of heaven, "the last will be first, and the first will be last." (Matt. 20:16)  Jesus was trying to communicate to his disciples that being on the top didn't matter; those who put others before themselves are really first in God's eyes. In the end it doesn't matter if you are number one and if everyone knows you. All that matters is how often you serve others and put their needs before yours.

However, for those who are blessed to make it to the top, they hold great responsibility. Luke 12:48 says, "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked."

So whether you are on the top, trying to work your way up to the top, or on the bottom, remember to think less of yourself and more of others- then you will truly be blessed!

p.s. I saw my cousins today (as in Wednesday) that I hadn't seen since July! And I saw my grandma and grandpa on Tuesday night, who I also hadn't seen since July, when they picked me up from school! Now I get to spend the whole weekend with them! Oh happy day :-)

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