Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Life Is Good!

This week has been AH-MA-ZING! First of all, on Sunday Jenna and I went to a different church than we have been going to. The church is pretty sweet; they use objects during the sermons to help people better relate to/understand the message. This past week the sermon was about the Lord preparing a table before us (Psalm 23). So, during the sermon a woman came up and set a table. She put bread, water, plates, knives, forks, spoons, bowls, and cloth napkins on the table. She set everything perfectly. Then she lit a candle in the middle of the table. The pastor set a little white table up on the stage, as well as a box of macaroni and cheese. He said that often times we settle for the quick, easy route, macaroni and cheese, instead of waiting for God's table. God has so many good things in store for us. We just have to be patient.

Monday I had class in the morning and then we figured out Jenna's schedule all afternoon. She had to switch her schedule around because of other conflicts. Then we ate dinner with Danielle, Emily, Jonathan and Tyler. We had really funny conversations- and I was running low on sleep so I was in a weird mood, which is probably why everything was so much funnier.

Tuesday I had class practically all day (till 3:00). After class Jenna and I did homework. Rachel, Jenna's cousin, came from Calvin around dinner time. She is planning on staying with Jenna, in my room, until Saturday. Jenna had a soccer game that night, so Rachel and I played Apples to Apples with a bunch of people. Apples to Apples is always a great game.

Today, Wednesday, I went to class in the morning. I decided that my English class is going to be awesome! The professor is so funny, technological savy, and organized. I like it when teachers are organized because I am an organized person and it makes me feel comfortable. If that makes much sense? Also, I like it when the teachers use technology. One teacher I had last semester was against technology and it was frustrating. But this professor uses powerpoints, takes attendance on his ipod, and has the course schedule online. Pretty sweet!

Jenna and I did some homework again this afternoon. I started reading my art history book. I like this subject quite a bit I'm realizing. The reading facinates me as it did last semester. Only now, I have a different art history book that goes into more detail about artists and each era of art. Even better! But we'll see if I still like this subject as the class progresses and gets harder.

Tonight Jenna, Rachel and I attended youth group at the church we went to on Sunday. They have a post-high youth group for 18-30 year olds. We met together and watched a Nooma video by Rob Bell and then split off into groups to discuss the video. Tonights video was about love. After that we came back to my dorm room and ate chocolate ice cream! Now we are watching "Eat, Pray, Love." As if I have nothing better to do..I should be sleeping because I have an early class tomorrow. Such is life.

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